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Lighting the way and transforming destinies, Raphael Grant Ministries shines with unwavering faith, igniting a divine flame of revival that transcends borders and touches lives around the world like never before. It is a dynamic international ministry empowering believers with supernatural strength and resilience through the power of prayer, enabling them to overcome every challenge and spiritual warfare of our time. With a global network of intercessors, RGM boldly declares victory in Christ, demolishing every demonic stronghold and breaking through stubborn circumstances.

International Gathering of Believers (IGOB)

The International Gathering of Believers: Uniting Christians Worldwide is an extraordinary event that brings together Christians from different denominations, traditions, and cultural backgrounds.

Finally, my brethren, be strong
in the Lord, and in the
power of his might.
 Ephesians 6:10

Raphael Grant
